- Probing Self-Assembly of Ammeline in Chloroform and Aqueous Media: Interplay Between Hydrogen Bonding Diversity and Dimerization. S. C. Pamies, N. M. Peruchena, A. N. Petelski*, ChemPlusChem 2024, e202400436. https://doi.org/10.1002/cplu.202400436

- Improving craft beer style classification through physicochemical determination and the application of deep learning techniques. L. C. Gómez Pamies, M. A. Bianchi, A. P. Farco, R. Vázquez, E. I. Benitez, Food Sci. Technol., Campinas, 2024, 44, e00071. https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00071

- Augmentation of inductive effects through short range intramolecular hydrogen bonds for the improvement of cooperativity of trimeric rosettes. A. N. Petelski, T. Bundrea, N. M. Peruchena, Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1039/D4ME00008K. (BACK COVER)

- Acidity of Isomorphic Substituted Zeolites with B, Al and Ga Revisited. A. N. Petelski, N. M. Peruchena, M. F. Zalazar, ChemPhysChem, 2024, e202400080.

- Nature and Strength of Weak O⋅⋅⋅O Interactions in Nitryl Halide Dimers. A. N. Petelski, D. J. R. Duarte, N. M. Peruchena, ChemPhysChem, 2022, 24, e202200768.

Understanding the influence of alkali cations and halogen anions on the cooperativity of cyclic hydrogen-bonded rosettes in supramolecular stacks. A. N. Petelski, C. Fonseca Guerra, Chemistry An Asian Journal, 2022. (Accepted, Portada de Revista).

- Impact of covalent modifications on the hydrogen bond strengths in diaminotriazine supramolecules. Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Márquez, María Josefina Verónica; Sosa, Gladis Laura; Peruchena, Nélida María. Revista: ChemPhysChem. 2022 - Accepted VER ARTÍCULO

- The impact of pirodextrin addition to improve physicochemical parameters of sorghum beer. Laura Cecilia GÓMEZ PAMIES, María Mercedes LATAZA ROVALETTI, Nancy María Jimena MARTINEZ AMEZAGA y Elisa Inés BENÍTEZ. 2021. Revista: LWT- Food Science and Technology . On-line

- How Procyanidin C1 Sticks to Collagen: The Role of Proline Rings. Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Sosa, Gladis Laura. 2021. REVISTA: Biophysical Chemistry, 2021, 276, 106627.
- Impact of sorghum grain processing on morphological characteristics of particles of wholegrain sorghum flour. Acquisgrana M.R, Gomez Pamies L.C., Quiroga, F. M., Ribotta, P. D. y Benítez E. I. REVISTA: Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 2021. Open Access. Versión impresa ISSN 0101-2061versión On-line ISSN 1678-457X.

- Understanding the Chloride Affinity of Barbiturates for Anion Receptor Design. Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Marquez, Josefina; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Sosa, Gladis Laura; Peruchena, Nélida María. REVISTA: ChemPhysChem, 2021, 22, 665-674 Very Important Paper https://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.202100008

- Impact of moisture and grinding on yield, physical, chemical and thermal properties of wholegrain flour obtained from hydrothermally treated sorghum grains. María del Rosario Acquisgrana, Laura Cecilia Gomez Pamies, Nancy María Jimena Martinez Amezaga
Fernanda Micaela Quiroga, Pablo Daniel Ribotta, Elisa Inés Benítez. REVISTA: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2020 DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14548

- Hydrogen-Bonded Rosettes of Aminotriazines for Selective-Ion Recognition. Petelski, Andre Nicolai; Fonseca Guerra, Célia. REVISTA: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 3352−3363. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b09366 (OPEN ACCES) PORTADA DE REVISTA

- Hydrothermal Treatment to Remove Tannins in Wholegrains Sorghum, Milled Grains and Flour. Acquisgrana, María del R.; Gómez Pamies, Laura; Benitez, Elisa I. REVISTA: Food Science and Nutrition Studies, 2019, Volume 2, pp 122-132. DOI: 10.22158/fsns.v3n4p122.
- Impact of Confinement in Multimolecular Inclusion Compounds of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid. Petelski, André Nicolai; Pamies, Silvana Carina; Sejas, Agustín Gabriel; Peruchena, Nélida María; Sosa, Gladis Laura. REVISTA: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 8205 - 8214. DOI: 10.1039/C8CP07705C (INSIDE COVER)

- Designing self-assembled rosettes: Why ammeline is a superior building block to melamine. Petelski, André Nicolai; Fonseca Guerra, Célia. REVISTA: ChemistryOpen, 2018, 8, 135-142. DOI: 10.1002/open.201800210. OPEN ACCES
VER ARTÍCULO - Portada de Revista y Perfil de portada.



- Development of foods from whole grains and their health benefits. Benitez, Elisa I., Acquisgrana, María del R.; Gómez Pamies, Laura. REVISTA: Journal of Food Nutrition and Population Health, 2018, Volume 2, pp 22. DOI: 10.21767/2577-0586-C3-008.
- Particle size distribution of polysaccharides in beer before the filtration process. Martínez Amezaga, N. M. J.; Lataza Rovaletti, Benitez, E. I. REVISTA: International Journal of Food Research, 2018, Volume 5, pp 13-39
- Multicenter halogen bond (FX)n/NH3 (X= Cl, Br and n = 1-5). QTAIM descriptors of the strength of the X···N interaction. Buralli, Gabriel J.; Petelski, André N.; Peruchena, Nélida M.; Sosa, Gladis L.; Duarte, Darío J. R. REVISTA: Molecules, 2017, Volume 22, pp 2034. OPEN ACCESS
Special Issue "Halogen Bonds and Beyond" - COLABORACIÓN CON EL GRUPO LEMYP.

- Lewis acid-base behavior of hypervalent halogen fluorides in gas phase. Gabriel J. Buralli, Darío J. R. Duarte, Gladis L. Sosa, Nélida M. Peruchena. REVISTA: Structural Chemistry, 2017, Volume 28, pp 1823–1830. COLABORACIÓN CON EL GRUPO LEMYP
- Insights into the self-assembly steps of Cyanuric Acid toward rosette motifs. A DFT Study (2017). Petelski, Andre N.; Peruchena, Nélida M.; Pamies, Silvana C.; Sosa, Gladis L. Sosa. REVISTA: Journal of Molecular Modeling, Volume 23, pp 263. Topical Collection QUITEL 2016

- Molecular Insights into Protein/Polyphenols Aggregation. A dynamic and topological description. Petelski, Andre N.; Benítez, Elisa I.; Pamies, Silvana C.; Lataza Rovaletti, Mercedes; Sosa, Gladis L. Sosa. REVISTA: Chemistry Select, 2017, Volume 2, pp 5608–5615

- Static and Dynamic Study of Disaccharides Trehalose, Maltose and Sucrose (2016). Pamies, Silvana C.; Petelski, Andre N.; Castro, Eduardo A.; Sosa, Gladis L. Sosa. REVISTA: Structural Chemistry, 2016, Volume 28, pp 911-924.
- Evolution of the hydrogen-bonding motif in the melamine-cyanuric acid co-crystal. A topological study (2016). Petelski, Andre N.; Peruchena, Nelida M.; Sosa, Gladis L. Sosa. REVISTA: Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2016, Volume 22, pp 202.

- Total polyphenol extraction from red sorghum grain and effects on the morphological structure of starch granules. Acquisgrana, M. R., Benítez, E. I., Gomez Pamies, L. C., Peruchena, N. M., Sosa, G. L. y J. Lozano. REVISTA: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016, Volume 51, pp 2151-2156.

- Halogen bonding. The role of the polarizability of the electron-pair donor. Duerte, Darío J. R.; Sosa, Gladis L.; Peruchena, Nélida M.; Alkorta, Ibon. REVISTA: Physical Chemistry Cheical Physics, 2016,1 Volume 8, pp 7300-7309.

- Intermolecular perturbation in the self-assembly of melamine. Petelski, André N.; Duerte, Darío J. R.; Pamies, Silvana C.; Peruchena, Nélida M. y Sosa, Gladis L. REVISTA: Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2016, Volume 135, pp 65. Topical Collection QUITEL 2015.

- The role of polysaccharides on the stability of colloidal particles of beer. N. Martinez Amezaga, E. Benítez , M. Lataza Rovaletti, N. Peruchena, G. Sosa, J. Lozano. REVISTA: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016, Volume 51, pp 1284-1290. DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.13065.
- Effects of silica gel on reduction gluten during several beer brewing stages. Benítez, E. I., Acquisgrana, M. R., Peruchena, N. M., Sosa, G. L. y J. Lozano. REVISTA: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, Volume 51, pp 920-928. DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.13053.

- Metodología de la enseñanza basada en las competencias aplicado a un proceso biotecnológico de ingeniería química. Benítez, E. I.; Martinez Amezaga, N. M. J., Acquisgrana, M. R. . REVISTA: Educación en Ingeniería, 2015, Volume 11, pp 21-26. ISSN: 1900-8260.
- Interacciones de superficie entre un nanocluster modelo de sílica y diferentes adsorbatos. Petelski, André N.; Pamies, Silvana C.; Lataza, Mercedes; Benitez, Elisa I. Sosa, Gladis L. REVISTA: The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society, 2014, Volume 101, pp 1-3. (ISSN: 1852-1207).
- Polysaccharides influence on the interaction between tannic acid and haze active proteins in beer. M. Lataza Rovaletti, E. Benítez , N. Martinez Amezaga, N. Peruchena, G. Sosa, J. Lozano. REVISTA: Food Research International, 2014, Volume 62, pp 779-785.
- Análisis dinámico de los disacáridos trehalosa, sacarosa y maltosa en soluciones acuosas diluidas. Pamies, Silvana C., Petelski, Andre N., Gomez Viana, Rodrigo, Rolón, Raul, Sosa, Gladis L. REVISTA: The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society, 2014, Volume 101.
- Turbidimetric behavior of colloidal particles in beer before filtration process. Benítez, E. I., Martinez Amezaga, N. M. J., Sosa, G. L., Peruchena, N. M. y Lozano, J. E. REVISTA: Food and Bioprocess Technology: An International Journal, 2013, Volume 6, pp 1082-1090. ISSN: 1935-5130.

- Nature of Halogen Bonding. A Study Based on the Topological Analysis of the Laplacian of the Electron Charge Density and an Energy Decomposition Analysis. Darío J. R. Duarte, Gladis L. Sosa and Nélida M. Peruchena. REVISTA: Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2013, Volume 19, pp 2035-2041.

- Interacciones moleculares en aductos poliprolina/fenoles. un estudio en base a la teoría QTAIM. Andre N. Petelski, Silvana C. Pamies, Mercedes Lataza, Elisa I. Benitez y Gladis L. Sosa. REVISTA: The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society, 2012, Volume 99.
- Study of colloidal particles in beer before filtration process. J. E. Lozano, E.I. Benítez y V. Sorrivas. REVISTA: Journal of Food Processing and Technology, 2012, Volume 3, pp 112. ISSN: 2157-7110.
- Halogen Bonding. A Study Based on the Electronic Charge Density. Martinez Amezaga, Nancy J.; Pamies, Silvana C.; Peruchena, Nélida; Sosa, Gladis Laura. REVISTA: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2010, Volume 114, pp 552-562.

- Fractal dimension and mechanism of aggregation of apple juice particles. Benitez, Elisa I., Lozano Jorge y E. Genovese Diego B. REVISTA: Food Science and Technology Internacional, 2010, Volume 16, pp 179-186. ISSN:1082-0132.
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